Team sports bring people together. Special Olympics Unified Sports® teams do that, too and much more. Half a million people worldwide take part in Unified Sports, breaking down stereotypes about people with intellectual disabilities in a really fun way.
Promoting social inclusion through sports
Unified Sports teams are helping to break down barriers through sports.
Dedicated to promoting social inclusion through shared sports training and competition experiences, Unified Sports joins people with and without intellectual disabilities on the same team. It was inspired by a simple principle: training together and playing together is a quick path to friendship and understanding.
In Unified Sports, teams are made up of people of similar age and ability, which makes practices more fun and games more challenging and exciting for all. Having sport in common is just one more way that preconceptions and false ideas are swept away.
Partnering with the Michigan High School Athletic Association
Special Olympics Michigan and the Michigan High School Athletic Association are excited to partner together to promote Special Olympics Unified Sports. Unified Sports bring together individuals of similar ages and abilities with and without disabilities on teams together fostering friendship and acceptance through the power of sport. Through this partnership Special Olympics Michigan and the Michigan High School Athletic Association sharing resources and networks we hope to expand the reach of Unified Sports and to broaden the reach of youth athletic opportunities within a school.
Visit the MHSAA website | Visit the NFHS Unified Sports Training website